Friday, October 31, 2008


Oh! We didn't post anything on the kholum activity.
We should you know?
Well, on that fine Monday morning (October, 27th)
Our class, 1 Tekun, and the other classes under Mdm. Sawaran
went to the hall. We used any materials we had to make it a success.
As I watched the other groups form their kholum, it was a pretty good sight.
Although, Charles's group didn't bring anything except for candle lights.
It turned out pretty well though. They borrowed some materials from other groups.
My group was really random. Different colours :D
But the other groups did really really well. I loved it!
The form 3 students came and joined us soon after. Theirs were nicer I have to admit.
Heeheee. We lighted every kholum and it looks so beautiful.

we wish our kolums would look like this :(


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