Friday, November 14, 2008

Last Day of School....

[below] Hafiz & Nico

Apphia & Avineda Cynthia, Angela & Avineda hugging and crying..

Edaloa, Zulqara'nain & Yusry

Carolyn, Angela, Avineda & Alexandra.....

Nazihah, Cynthia, Shaqil & N.Athirah

We got 2nd place for the Ramah Tamah aidilfitri 'open class'..

---Our LAST photo together in Form1---
[Aida's not in the photo because she is the phototaker]

Today is the last day for us to be FORM1....time flies by so fast..we can't believe it's the end of our Form 1 and Junior Life....We will surely miss the Seniors- Form5 and Upper6...we're going to miss 1 TEKUN!!!... :-( ..we miss our friends...

[will try to upload more photos]
to cynthia: pls upload some photos if you can..

--pls CHECK-OUT the MAJALAH KENYALANG 2008 pg 141--

---1Tekun'08 is HISTORY---


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